
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Living Simply - 40 Bags in 40 Days

Last week I posted about goals.  One of my goals was to LIVE LIFE MORE SIMPLY.  Easier said than done, huh?  A few months back, I discovered Ann Marie's blog "White House, Black Shutters".  I quickly became a follower on Facebook...I love her tagline:  everyday life, creative stuff and coloring outside the lines.  I think it's the everyday life that tends to get us down, but the creative stuff and coloring outside the lines are what keeps us going!

So,  I was feeling a little stuck in a rut and I ran across Ann Marie's 40 Bags in 40 Days.  Apparently, this is the third year she has done this challenge...Ann Marie, where have you been all my life?  Or at least the last 2 years!?  The goal is to choose an area - a room, a closet, a shelf, a desk...whatever place you need to decrapify - and DO IT!!!!  (decrapify - love this term, Ann Marie's, not mine...later I'll look it up in Webster's...I'm sure my house will be the picture beside the definition!)


I decided to start small:  those drawers in the guest bathroom.  Where does all that stuff come from?  I've decided the guests must leave it there, because certainly my family of four would NEVER dream of cramming so much junk in those three little drawers.  Ha!  So here's just a little "before" peek of one my three guest bath "junk drawers".   I promise I'll show you the "after"!

Seriously?  Where does this stuff come from?        

The best part is this:  I can throw stuff away, donate it, sell it, hide it, give it rules!  Just get it out of here!  I'm excited to see where this takes us as a family.  How it contributes to our new motto:

LIVE LIFE...More Simply!

Just don't forget the #40bags40days hashtag.

Good Luck!

Friday, February 8, 2013

New Year - New Me

Melisa Robins Photograpy

Yesterday was my birthday.  I am 38 years old!  WHAT?!  Impossible! 

In my "Supermom" post, I talked about resolutions...actually, my lack thereof.  I turn my "resolutions" into GOALS.  Something to strive for that is not unreachable, but that I have to work hard to reach.  Some say that sharing your goals with others keeps you motivated to reach those goals.  Makes you more accountable perhaps.  So I'd like to share a few of my Goals for 2013:


  • Be a better, more patient mother
  • Become a more attentive and appreciative wife
  • Cook a meal at home at least 3 days a week (that does not include PB&J's)
  • Organize my business, Christine & Company, to work for me, not the other way around
  • Blog on a regular basis. (Eeeeeek - going to need some help with this one)
  • Make more time for myself and my hobbies
  • Live life more simply
  • Surround myself with positive role models
  • Rid myself of the negativity in my life
  • Step outside of my comfort zone
  • And most importantly, ENJOY LIFE
So, over the next few months, I'll be sharing with you some of my goals and how I am planning to reach them.

I'd like to leave you with this quote from Isak Denisen, the pen name for Karen Blixen.  (Isn't it curious how she chose a man's name?) 


 And just in case you are wondering, this photo was taken by me, somewhere along Hwy 30a, Florida's most beautiful stretch of beaches....another one of my goals.  Although it is a long-term goal - one day this will be my home.

Share some of your goals with us here.  Make yourself accountable.  Gain the support of your friends, family, the blogosphere, whoever makes you want to be a better person! 

Best Wishes for the Best Year Ever!