It's really not that bad...but sometimes I do feel pressured to be the perfect mom while running my business from my home. I find the line between work and home is seriously blurred.
So this year, I have a few GOALS of my own. We don't make resolutions in our family...we decided a long time ago that we are more inclined to keep our "resolutions" if we make them goals! I also think it's important to start small, don't tackle all of your goals in one day, or even one week.
Today, I'll share one of my goals with you.
I found this awesome set from Erin over at Happy Organized Life. It's the Supermom Family Organizer Set and it's available for Instant Download (did I mention that I'm impatient?) It has 30 sheets that you can print out and use individually or in a binder. I decided to use the binder method since I tend to be messy...I can imagine those pages scattered all over the house! So far, my favorite page is THE 30 MINUTE CLEAN ROUTINE. If cleaning house can be done in 30 minutes, I'm all for it! I love that you don't have to start with a perfectly clean house to use this routine...if you give yourself a week, then your house should be relatively clean and then you can start on larger organizing projects, like the garage...or the sewing room (GASP!)
I won't go into detail about this organizer set...go check it out for yourself. Make sure you "like" Erin's Facebook page for a 20% off coupon!
I would love to hear some of your organizing tips! Share them here or on Christine & Company's Facebook page.