Thursday, June 2, 2011

Welcome to Christine and Company

Mommy & Company
Hello! Welcome to Christine & Company. I'm Christine and the "company" is my wonderfully supportive husband and my two little sidekicks, 2 1/2 and 1. Christine and Company was born of boredom. Yep. That's right. I became a stay at home mom when my second son was born. Having worked for the past 20 years, staying home was quite a challenge for me. I needed something to keep my mind busy. I started making some fun things for the kids and soon my friends wanted me to make stuff for their kids. Then, their friends...well, you get it. One day my neighbor introduced me to Etsy and now, I'm hooked!
My first sewing project was a dress that I made when I was 13 and it wasn't an easy one. A full portrait collar, covered buttons all the way down the front. But I finished and I was very proud of it. I put the sewing machine away for a while and just fiddled with it here and there until just recently.
I have become addicted to fabrics and notions. I could spend hours in the fabric store (much to MR. Company's dismay!) My favorite designers are Amy Butler and Michael Miller. I mainly create children's items, but I'm working on a new handbag line that I will be launching soon. In the meantime, check out MY SHOP.  Stay tuned....


  1. Hi Christine! Thanks for following my blog and good luck to you!! I look forward to following you!

    - Janet

  2. Christine -

    Congrats on starting your new blog - I wish you the best on this amazing journey!

    Thanks for joining me at Create Wtih Joy - I look forward to getting to know you!

